Should I Do Anything Prior To Self-cleaning My Oven?

Ovens that have a self-cleaning feature have become increasingly common and popular with our customers in the Calgary area. Totem Appliance Repair recommends that an oven should be self-cleaned prior to it becoming heavily soiled as heavy soil deposits can require longer cleaning times and result in more smoke. Totem Appliance Repair recommends keeping the kitchen well ventilated during a self-cleaning cycle to assist in getting clearing heat, smoke, and odors. As air must move freely in a self-cleaning cycle it is best to keep the oven vents clear. To keep the door gasket working effectively it is best not to rub, clean, damage or move the gasket as it is essential for a good seal.

Oven Self-Cleaning Preparation
  • Remove any and all broiler pans, grid, cookware, and bakeware from the oven.
  • To avoid damaging the oven remove any foil from the oven that may otherwise burn or melt during the self-cleaning process
  • Removing oven racks prior to self-cleaning will assist in keeping them shiny and easy to slide
  • The inside door edge should be hand cleaned as well as the 1.5 inches around the inside oven interior frame, making sure not to bend or move the gasket. These areas do not get hot enough during self-cleaning to remove soil. Also it is recommended to not let water, cleaner, or other liquids enter door slots.
  • Any loose soil should be wiped away to avoid excessive smoke and avoid damage as at high temperatures foods can react adversely with porcelain

Cooktop & Storage Drawer Preparation
Prior to beginning the self-cleaning cycle remove any plastic items from the cooktop area as they may melt. Also remove any items from the storage drawer.