Why Is There Excessive Lint In My Dryer?

Totem Appliance Repair is frequently asked by our customers in Calgary why they experience excessive lint in their dryer. As a leading Calgary appliance repair company we are happy to share our expertise as to why excessive lint may result with the use of a clothes dryer. Listed below are some possible explanations.

A clogged lint screen?
Totem Appliance Repair suggests cleaning the lint screen before each and every use. It is also important that the lint screen is not rinsed or washed, but rather remove lint by rolling it off the screen with your fingers.

Is residue clogging lint screen
Quite often over a period of time residue may build up on a lint screen and requires removal. To clean the residue from the lint screen Totem Appliance Repair recommends using a wet nylon brush with liquid detergent and hot water.

Was load sorting done before washing and drying
For optimal dryer performance Totem Appliance Repair suggests sorting a load prior to washing and drying. This involves dividing lint takers (corduroy, synthetics, etc.) with lint givers such as towels and chenille. It is also recommended that a load be divided by colors - lights with lights, darks with darks.

Was load over drying
When a load is over dried static electricity in synthetics and synthetic-blend fabrics is produced. Static electricity attracts lint and may also be the reason for excessive lint in a dryer. To reduce over drying Totem Appliance Repair recommends either automatic dry or electronic dry cycles and to check cycle descriptions for temperatures and cycles to match various fabric types.

Tissues or paper items in load
Excessive lint may be the result of tissues or paper that is left in the pockets of items in the load being dried. To avoid this from happening Totem Appliance Repair suggests always checking pockets before washing clothes as well as inspecting dryer interior prior to a cycle to ensure that non-clothing material is not present.